November 2017


Surge in number of clients billed in Q1 & Q2 2017

The latest information from the RIBIndex, sponsored by Bluestones Group, highlights a significant uptick in the number of clients invoiced by the median RIB recruiter in Q1 & Q2 2017, when compared to the same periods in 2016. 


28 November 2017
November The Intelligence

The Intelligence

With REC senior researcher, Thalia Ioannidou


28 November 2017

Brighton Rocks

Party conference season gives recruitment a lot to think about, says Tom Hadley, REC director of policy and professional services 


27 November 2017
DeeDee Doke, editor

Editor's Leader NOVEMBER 2017

The impact of social media upon recruitment has been intense and profound – no doubt about it.

20 October 2017

Recruiter Magazine

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Social recruiting November 2017

Whether you’re showing the youngsters how it’s done, or taking on double the challenge, we’ve got some pretty tough recruiters in the industry!

Charity & not-for-profit 19 October 2017

GDPR: Age of consent

Next May’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) may be causing recruiters, umbrella companies and payroll providers a headache now, but ignoring it will bring about a full-on migraine, as Colin Cottell discovers.

19 October 2017

Age Positive Executive Search is on a mission

Age bias is being tackled head on by a recruitment start-up firm

19 October 2017

Gregory Allen: Sharing my experiences to develop future talent

Cold-calling recruiters have a lot to learn.

HR 19 October 2017

Looking different

Cordant Group’s vision of a social enterprise certainly makes it stand out from the crowd. Colin Cottell reports

Marketing & Sales, Education 19 October 2017

Start-up of the Month: LUCKYLINK's EVA

Recruitment app provider LUCKYLINK has launched EVA (Employment Virtual Assistant).

IT/Telecoms, HR 18 October 2017

University a waste of time, says Lord Sugar

Lord Sugar, star of TV reality show The Apprentice, believes most university courses are “a perfect waste of time”.

Phillip Ullmann, Mark Lavery, Pete Ward

Thoughts from... November 2017

Thoughts from... Phillip Ullmann, Mark Lavery, Pete Ward

18 October 2017

Recruiters seize the day

The latest Recruitment Sector Barometer shows recruiters are making hay while the sun shines.

18 October 2017

Web chat November 2017

Readers' responses to Recruiter articles online

16 October 2017

Management threat

Why you are the biggest single threat to your business.

16 October 2017

Emotional AI: Putting the human element into technology

Recruiters have become used to artificial intelligence (AI) beavering away in the background on tasks such as search-and-match and CV sifting, but two new products show it is only just starting to demonstrate its true potential.

Marketing, IT/Telecoms 16 October 2017

Automation and the recruitment industry

What are the key technology platforms to watch out for in automation of recruitment?

IT/Telecoms, HR 16 October 2017