Editor's Leader AUGUST 2018

The heatwave, the World Cup and Brexit has left the UK feeling slightly surreal.

If you live and work in the UK, life in the glorious heatwave has unfolded on a bit of a knife’s edge over the last few weeks – particularly in England where joy and heartbreak have erupted in equal measure over the national football team’s ascension to the semi-finals and subsequent loss to Croatia. That against a backdrop of even further UK government turmoil and...

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Soundbites August 2018

20 July 2018
View Point iStock

Recognising exploitation: Recruiters are at the forefront of spotting exploited workers

Recruitment agencies are uniquely placed to spot signs of modern slavery and exploitation in the

HR 20 July 2018
Insight Barometer

Taking recruitment's temperature

Almost four out of five recruitment business directors and owners see the availability of candida

20 July 2018
Cjon Enoch

Under Forward Role's wing

Business incubators have become a familiar part of the recruitment industry landscape in recent y
