North-West recruiter enjoys summer boom in temp placements

A Birkenhead-headquartered recruitment business reports it is enjoying significant success in placing more temporary workers this summer in driving, logistics, distribution and warehousing jobs than at the same time in previous years.

Recruit Right, which recently set up a base in Liverpool, credits a surge in online shopping, food manufacturing and the growth of transport and logistics operations as contributing to the increases. Many of their newly recruited temporary workers had been furloughed or had lost jobs because of the Covid-19 pandemic.

The summer usually finds about 300 temporary workers being sent out by Recruit Right, but in June, the figure increased to more than 400, a company statement said. 

“Now that figure has shot up to 500 – something we don’t normally see until September – and it’s likely to go as high as 800 by October,” said director Helen Cornah. “After that, all sectors will begin to experience pre-Christmas activity so we could be having an even greater jobs explosion by the end of the year.”

The company’s new Liverpool office is in the city’s Exchange Flags business complex. Along with its Birkenhead HQ, it also has offices in Manchester and Blackburn.

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