Council Election 2019

Have a voice in the future of recruitment.

Nominations for REC Council Election are now opened.

We are seeking exceptional leaders to help us shape the future of the REC and the recruitment industry.

Directors represent the interests of more than 3,300 corporate REC Members and more than 11,500 Individual Members of the IRP.

This year, there are eight vacancies to fill: we are seeking six corporate directors and two individual directors.

Submit your nomination and make a difference in the future of recruitment.

Click here to start your nomination.

Nomination Criteria
Corporate members can nominate an individual who is employed by them or acts as an officer for the company holding REC Membership.

Individual nominees must be full members or Fellows of the REC's Institute of Recruitment Professionals. Nominations must be proposed by three fully-paid AIRP, MIRP or FIRP members (excluding student members).

Director responsibilities include:

  • Promoting the success of the REC and IRP
  • Ensuring the REC and IRP are managed for the benefit of members
  • Exercising independent judgement and reasonable skill and care to the level of your experience
  • Acquainting yourself with the activities of the REC and IRP in order to make an effective contribution

Be part of the Council. Have a voice in the future of recruitment.

Click here to start your nomination.

See this article on the REC website